Every Knee Shall Bow (Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast)
Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast
We found 10 episodes of Every Knee Shall Bow (Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast) with the tag “catholic”.
How to Share the Faith BOLDLY
March 13th, 2019 | 38 mins 35 secs
be bold, be brave, catholic, catholic church, christianity, christians, evangelization, faith, gospel message, gospel truth, how to be bold, mike and dave, share the faith, spread the good news
Mike and Dave give practical advice about how to get over that awkward feeling and share the Faith BOLDLY. Telling someone the good news about Jesus isn’t hard ... if you really, truly believe it. You’re not imposing your arbitrary morality and spirituality on someone, you are proposing to them the truth of God’s love for them and their elevated status as creatures made in the image and likeness of God. Like Mike says, “If you discovered the cure to cancer, and you kept it to yourself–you would be a monster ...We have even greater news, but so often we keep it quiet.” Mike also gives solid advice to a listener who asks about how to talk to her husband, who is a Muslim, about Christianity.
Ask a Catholic Evangelist: How Can I Share the Gospel with My Family, Parish, and Community?
March 6th, 2019 | 36 mins 16 secs
ask a catholic, catechesis, catholic, catholic evangelism, community, dre, evangelist, fallen-away catholics, family, jesus christ, parish, share the gospel, working at a parish
Mike and Dave answer your questions about how to get programs going at your parish, how to share the gospel with fallen-away family members, and how to invest in Catholic evangelism as well as catechesis when funds are short.