Every Knee Shall Bow (Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast)

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

263 episodes of Every Knee Shall Bow (Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast) since the first episode, which aired on November 26th, 2018.

  • Digital Evangelization

    May 8th, 2019  |  43 mins 8 secs
    catching foxes, catholic, catholic media, catholic online, catholic parish, catholic social media, dave vanvickle, digital evangelization, gomer, mike gormley, parish

    Dave “Thunderdome” Van Vickle and I are talking about the importance of digital evangelization. If we are trying to meet people where they are, we need to be online. We cover best practices for parishes and individuals to spread the Word on the web, as well as examples of things we’ve seen work really well (like this podcast). We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected] with your story, question, or comment—or if you’ve got a new nickname for Dave.

  • Tools for the Newly Converted

    May 1st, 2019  |  39 mins 17 secs
    catholic, catholic conversion, catholic converts, catholic prayer, catholicism, christian conversion, conversion, converts, evangelist, how to pray, intercessory prayer, prayer, prayer groups, rcia, teach prayer, teaching prayer

    We have a great show today. Not that we don’t usually, but today is especially good. We start with a question from a parish leader about intercessory prayer groups (Dave’s group is #goals). Then we cover what individuals and parishes can do for the newly converted and what tools we have for someone after their initial “yes” to Jesus.

  • Easter, Discipleship, and the Resurrection

    April 24th, 2019  |  8 mins 52 secs
    catholic, catholic church, catholicism, disciple, discipleship, easter, easter 2019, easter reflection, evangelization, evangelize, evangelizing, jesus christ, resurrection, what it means to be a disciple

    Hallelujah! It's the Easter Octave and I for one am glad Christ rose from the dead. This week it's just me, Mike "Gomer" Gormley, your humble co-host of EKSB. I wanted to offer you fine folks an Easter message on discipleship and the Resurrection. Our regular show will return next week! Happy Easter!

  • Kerygma and Parish Touch Points

    April 17th, 2019  |  39 mins 3 secs
    apologetics, catechists, catholic, catholic church, catholic education, catholicism, dave vanvickle, evangelization, evangelize, evangelizing, kerygma, mike gormley, parish, parish volunteeers, religious education, spreading the faith, youth minister

    Calling all DREs, catechists, youth ministers, and parish volunteers! Have we got a show for you. (Yes, that was a VeggieTales reference.) We start off today answering some tough questions about the kerygma, and then pivot to ways you can infuse evangelization into programs your parish already has like baptism prep, marriage prep, and religious education. Our advice isn’t the only way to do it, but it is a (pretty darn good) way to do it. How do you evangelize at your parish? We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected] with your story, question, or comment—or if you’ve got a new nickname for Dave.

  • Evangelization FAQ’s: Plan B, Skipping Mass, and Non-Catholic Family Weddings

    April 10th, 2019  |  44 mins 52 secs
    apologetics, catholic, conversion, evangelist, excuses for skipping mass, mary, mass, morning after pill, noncatholic wedding, plan b, sacraments, skipping church, skipping mass, wedding, weddings

    You’ve got frequently asked questions, we’ve got infrequently given answers. We tackle questions about what to do when you encounter someone purchasing the Plan B pill, what to do when people (especially family members) give dumb reasons for why they don’t go to church, the role of Mary in evangelization, and talking to family members about having a sacramental wedding when they’re angry with the Church and you’re long distance. (Whew.)

  • Becoming an Activated Disciple (with Jeff Cavins)

    April 3rd, 2019  |  38 mins 23 secs
    activated disciple, catechism, catholic, catholic church, catholicism, christ, disciple, discipleship, evangelize, evangelizing, faith formation, god, gomer, jeff cavins, jesus, ministry, parish, practical advice

    We’re talking to the one and only Jeff Cavins, Catholic speaker and author of the new book, The Activated Disciple. We’re pumped to interview him about discipleship and sharing the Faith (and so are our moms). Jeff’s book really gets to the heart of discipleship. It gives us a practical roadmap to a path of discipleship and explains what it actually means to be a disciple. We also get Jeff to give us his practical tips for evangelization. We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected] with your story, question, or comment—or if you’ve got a new nickname for Dave.

  • Bringing the New Evangelization to Your Parish

    March 27th, 2019  |  30 mins 55 secs
    benedict xvi, catechism, catholic, christian, dre, evangelize, faith, god, gospel, jesus, john paul ii, jpii, kerygma, ministry, new evangelization, parish, paul vi, pope, the church, witness to faith

    The New Evangelization invites baptized Catholics to renew their relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church (according to the USCCB). Started by Popes Paul VI, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI, it’s a call for the Church (aka, you and me) to reach out to fallen away Catholics and bring them back to the sacraments.

    We want to talk about how to bring this movement to your parish and community. Starting with Carole Brown’s Gems for the New Evangelization: Shamelessly Pilfered from Various Treasuries of Church Teaching, we then add some additional points that we’ve discovered along the way.

    There are a lot of different things you can do, but the important thing is to start.

  • Evangelizing and Morality: Birth Control and Same-Sex Attraction

    March 20th, 2019  |  42 mins 16 secs
    abortion, bible, birth control, catholic, christ, contraception, evangelization, gospel, gospel message, holy, jesus, mike and dave, moral issues, moral living, morality, prolife, same-sex attraction, scripture, talking about god

    We tackle the biggest, most complicated, stickiest moral issues–contraception and same-sex attraction. How is a Catholic evangelist to approach such a minefield when proclaiming the gospel? In John 14:15, Jesus says, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” So we know that we have to tell people about moral issues, but we need to make sure we’re doing it in a way that actually helps. We talk about when, how, and why to bring these issues up, and examples of times these strategies have actually worked (we promise we’re not using you as guinea pigs).
    We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected] with your story, question, or comment–or if you’ve got a new nickname for Dave.

  • How to Share the Faith BOLDLY

    March 13th, 2019  |  38 mins 35 secs
    be bold, be brave, catholic, catholic church, christianity, christians, evangelization, faith, gospel message, gospel truth, how to be bold, mike and dave, share the faith, spread the good news

    Mike and Dave give practical advice about how to get over that awkward feeling and share the Faith BOLDLY. Telling someone the good news about Jesus isn’t hard ... if you really, truly believe it. You’re not imposing your arbitrary morality and spirituality on someone, you are proposing to them the truth of God’s love for them and their elevated status as creatures made in the image and likeness of God. Like Mike says, “If you discovered the cure to cancer, and you kept it to yourself–you would be a monster ...We have even greater news, but so often we keep it quiet.” Mike also gives solid advice to a listener who asks about how to talk to her husband, who is a Muslim, about Christianity.

  • Ask a Catholic Evangelist: How Can I Share the Gospel with My Family, Parish, and Community?

    March 6th, 2019  |  36 mins 16 secs
    ask a catholic, catechesis, catholic, catholic evangelism, community, dre, evangelist, fallen-away catholics, family, jesus christ, parish, share the gospel, working at a parish

    Mike and Dave answer your questions about how to get programs going at your parish, how to share the gospel with fallen-away family members, and how to invest in Catholic evangelism as well as catechesis when funds are short.

  • Christ and Culture: How to Be in the World but Not of the World

    February 27th, 2019  |  44 mins 49 secs
    ascension press, be in the world but not of the world verse, christ and culture, christian community, christian life, evangelization, evangelization podcast, every knee shall bow podcast, john 17:16-26, richard niebuhr

    What does it mean to be in the world but not of the world and how does this affect evangelization?

    Many people assume there are two ways to approach this notion.

    On one side is the thought of Christ against culture—that to be loyal to Jesus or the Church I need to run completely away from the world.
    On the other side is the Christ of culture—that Jesus is the peak and pinnacle of all culture’s greatest desires, aspirations, and hopes.

    Which one is right? What balance should we strike?

    Today, Mike and Dave take these two basic concepts and break them down into practical, real life situations. They explain what we should do in regards to the world around us and stress the importance of finding the distinctive Christ element that sets your life apart. We walk a delicate line being in the world and not of it, but Mike and Dave make this line a bit easier to see.

  • Spiritual Warfare in Everyday Christian Life

    February 20th, 2019  |  40 mins 28 secs
    angels and demons, evangelization, every knee shall bow, guardian angels, spiritual battles, spiritual warfare, st. michael the archangel

    Spiritual warfare is more than just an analogy.

    It is a reality.

    Quite literally, it is a struggle between two kingdoms—a battle between man and that which draws man away from God.

    This fighting and resisting evil is a common experience, yet many don’t believe they are at war. Therefore they come unprepared to fight the battle.

    Today Mike and Dave approach this topic from the viewpoint of evangelists. They discuss the Church Fathers’ understanding of spiritual warfare, the context behind the Church’s teachings on the subject, and practical ways you can resist evil and equip yourself with the best possible resources.

  • Evangelization in a Post-Christian Society: The Purpose of the Church

    February 13th, 2019  |  47 mins 39 secs
    catholic evangelization, evangelii nuntiandi, evangelization, evangelizing in modern times, every knee shall bow, post christian society, the purpose of the church

    Do you want to evangelize in a post-Christian society? There are a few things you need to know.

    We all proclaim the same gospel, but we all need to use different methods. The methods that St. Paul used in Athens or Rome and the approach of a missionary in India, Southeast Asia, or parts of Africa will be different than someone who lives in a post-Christian society.

    There are, however, universal principles that stand the test of time. Today, Mike and David go through three ages of evangelization, explain how to overcome four hurdles in evangelizing, and also three different types of evangelizing.

    Snippet from the Show:

    “No matter how opposed someone is to Christianity, you have to understand that deep down, it is what they want. It is what they most desire. It is the answer to all their questions.”

  • Understanding the Personal and Ecclesial Dimension of Our Catholic Faith

    February 6th, 2019  |  40 mins 20 secs
    catholic community, catholic faith, dimensions of faith, evangelization, every knee shall bow, fellowship, gomer, kerygma, mike gormley

    Church teaching is an important part of our Catholic Faith. Today, Mike and Dave are going to show you how to incorporate the church into the kerygma.

    They explain how fellowship is not socializing and why the Church comes before the individual in the plan of God.

    “Our love for Jesus and for our neighbor impels us to speak to others about our faith. Each believer is thus a link in the great chain of believers. I cannot believe without being carried by the faith of others, and by my faith I help support others in the faith.” (CCC 166)

    Snippet from the Show:

    You have not given yourself faith as you have not given yourself life. The believer has received faith from others and should hand it on to others. (CCC 166)

  • The Art of the Invitation to Christian Life

    January 30th, 2019  |  35 mins 36 secs
    catholic discipleship, catholic life, christian discipleship, christian life, come and see, evangelization, evangelize, every knee shall bow, invitation

    When evangelizing, there comes a moment in time when you will invite someone to completely give their life over to Christ and begin living a Christian life.

    How do you know what moment is right?

    What does the invitation look like?

    Why is an invitation to Christian life so important?

    Using Scripture, contemporary faith formation tools, and personal experience, Mike and Dave explain the sometimes subtle art of inviting someone to live a fully authentic Christian life.

    Snippet from the Show:

    “If you read the Gospels, you are going to see constantly that the one man who could have demanded, is constantly instead inviting.”

  • Q&A and Resource Recommendations with Every Knee Shall Bow

    January 23rd, 2019  |  31 mins 47 secs
    catholic product recommendations, dave vanvickle, evangelization podcast, every knee shall bow, every knee shall bow podcast, mike gormley, q&a

    Mike and Dave, the hosts of Every Knee Shall Bow, take time to answer your questions and respond to your reviews. They also provide resource recommendations such as Alpha, Sherry Weddell, SEEK, and more! At the end of the podcast, they also provide five easy ways to observe effective evangelization in action!

    Snippet from the Show:

    The beautiful thing about our Catholic faith is that when you conform yourself to a celebrity...you lose yourself. But what Christ wants in conforming to him, instead of losing yourself, you actually gain yourself back, and become who you truly are called to be.