Every Knee Shall Bow (Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast)
Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast
We found 10 episodes of Every Knee Shall Bow (Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast) with the tag “gomer”.
We Don’t Need Christianity to Be Popular, We Need to Make Disciples
July 3rd, 2019 | 46 mins 15 secs
catholic, catholic church, catholic parish, catholic prayer, conversion, dave vanvickle, disciples, evangelization, evangelize, gomer, gospel, gospel truth, michael gormley, ministry, parish, prayer groups, repentance, unashamed of the gospel, unfiltered christianity, watering down the gospel
We want people to convert to the Catholic Church not because it’s a popular thing to do, but because they have a genuine experience of God’s love and truth through the Church. This means we can’t water down the gospel. Dave “Lay Assistant to Exorcists” VanVickle and I talk about this vital aspect of winning hearts for Christ, as well as the importance of repentance. On a more practical note, we also talk about how to start intercessory prayer groups.
Waking the Dead: Transforming a Heart of Stone
June 26th, 2019 | 33 mins 23 secs
catholic, catholic church, catholic ministry, community, conversion, dave vanvickle, evangelization, evangelize, gomer, gospel, michael gormley, ministry, parish, youth ministry
Dave VanVickle (that’s right, no nickname today) and I are waking the dead! We’re talking about how to really reach people through evangelization. Not just a short moment of emotional connection that fades the next day, but a true conversion where a person reorients their life to God.
You Can’t Evangelize Unless You Regularly Read Scripture
June 12th, 2019 | 38 mins 48 secs
apologetics, bible, catholic, dave vanvickle, evangelize, gomer, how to read the bible, mike gormley, ministry, reading the bible, scripture, scripture study, study scripture, the word, why read the bible
It’s difficult to spread the gospel if you haven’t read it. Dave “Too Hot to Handle, Too Cold to Hold” VanVickle and I talk about why it’s vital to regularly read Scripture and how to immerse yourself in the Word. We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected] with your story, question, or comment—or if you’ve got a new nickname for Dave.
10 Principles of Spiritual Warfare
May 29th, 2019 | 22 mins 26 secs
angels, catholic, catholic community, catholic parish, catholic youth ministry, dave vanvickle, demons, devil, dre, evangelization, gomer, ministry, parish, religious education, spiritual warfare, spiritual warrior
There’s good news and bad news. Bad news: Gomer is out today, so no fun nicknames. Good news: this episode is all about equipping you for spiritual warfare and fighting the kingdom of evil. Spiritual warfare and evangelization go hand-in-hand. Turns out the devil doesn’t like it when you try to win souls for Christ. Acknowledging the reality of spiritual warfare is an important first step. Once we realize that we’re fighting battles everyday, we can use these principles to guide the way.
Leading When Not in Charge
May 22nd, 2019 | 36 mins 25 secs
catholic, catholic church, catholic evangelists, catholic parish, dave vanvickle, disciples, evangelize, gomer, gospel, kerygma, leadership, leading, michael gormley, ministry, parish
Today Dave “Open Book, Closed Heart” VanVickle and I talk about extraordinary and ordinary means of fighting the devil, which leads (naturally) into a conversation on evangelization and how to lead when you’re not in charge. Have a question or comment for us? We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected] with your story, question, or comment—or if you’ve got a new nickname for Dave.
Digital Evangelization
May 8th, 2019 | 43 mins 8 secs
catching foxes, catholic, catholic media, catholic online, catholic parish, catholic social media, dave vanvickle, digital evangelization, gomer, mike gormley, parish
Dave “Thunderdome” Van Vickle and I are talking about the importance of digital evangelization. If we are trying to meet people where they are, we need to be online. We cover best practices for parishes and individuals to spread the Word on the web, as well as examples of things we’ve seen work really well (like this podcast). We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected] with your story, question, or comment—or if you’ve got a new nickname for Dave.
Becoming an Activated Disciple (with Jeff Cavins)
April 3rd, 2019 | 38 mins 23 secs
activated disciple, catechism, catholic, catholic church, catholicism, christ, disciple, discipleship, evangelize, evangelizing, faith formation, god, gomer, jeff cavins, jesus, ministry, parish, practical advice
We’re talking to the one and only Jeff Cavins, Catholic speaker and author of the new book, The Activated Disciple. We’re pumped to interview him about discipleship and sharing the Faith (and so are our moms). Jeff’s book really gets to the heart of discipleship. It gives us a practical roadmap to a path of discipleship and explains what it actually means to be a disciple. We also get Jeff to give us his practical tips for evangelization. We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected] with your story, question, or comment—or if you’ve got a new nickname for Dave.
Understanding the Personal and Ecclesial Dimension of Our Catholic Faith
February 6th, 2019 | 40 mins 20 secs
catholic community, catholic faith, dimensions of faith, evangelization, every knee shall bow, fellowship, gomer, kerygma, mike gormley
Church teaching is an important part of our Catholic Faith. Today, Mike and Dave are going to show you how to incorporate the church into the kerygma.
They explain how fellowship is not socializing and why the Church comes before the individual in the plan of God.
“Our love for Jesus and for our neighbor impels us to speak to others about our faith. Each believer is thus a link in the great chain of believers. I cannot believe without being carried by the faith of others, and by my faith I help support others in the faith.” (CCC 166)
Snippet from the Show:
You have not given yourself faith as you have not given yourself life. The believer has received faith from others and should hand it on to others. (CCC 166)