Every Knee Shall Bow (Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast)
Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast
We found 10 episodes of Every Knee Shall Bow (Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast) with the tag “ascension”.
Confronting Sin in Discipleship
July 1st, 2020 | 45 mins 23 secs
ascension, ascension press, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic parish, confession, conversion, counseling, dave vanvickle, discipleship, evangelization, evangelize, faith, freedom from sin, gomer, habitual sin, healing, jesus, mercy, mike gomer gormley, mike gormley, ministry, mission, mortal sin, sin, temptation, venial sin, vices, virtue
Sin destroys the life of charity between us and God, but how do we talk about it? Dave “The Hope is Real” VanVickle and I discuss sin in our walk with Christ, and share helpful ways to talk about habitual sin in discipleship.
Transforming Men’s Ministry in Your Parish
June 24th, 2020 | 42 mins 42 secs
ascension, ascension press, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic parish, catholicism, dave vanvickle, evangelization, evangelize, faith, gomer, gormley, men's community, men's group, men's ministry, men's outreach, mike gomer, mike gormley, ministry, mission, missionary disciples, parish
Dave “Living Large”' VanVickle and I address a question sent in by one of our listeners, Dante, on the Catholic Church’s struggle to engage men. We discuss the importance of community for men, and share tactics on how to transform men’s ministry in your parish.
Guiding Your Family in the Faith
June 17th, 2020 | 36 mins 56 secs
adult children, ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic parish, children, conversion, dave vanvickle, evangelization, evangelize, faith, family, growing in faith, guiding family, mike gomer gormley, ministry, mission
Dave “Do you even lift bro?”' VanVickle and I answer a question from a listener about how to guide your family in the Catholic faith without overdoing it.
Works of Mercy
June 10th, 2020 | 39 mins 12 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic parish, charity, dave vanvickle, disciples, evangelization, evangelize, faith, mike gomer gormley, ministry, mission, social work, works of mercy
Today, Dave “The Navy Seal of Sitting”' VanVickle and I sit down with a question from listener, Father Timothy, about how to make disciples and not social workers, focusing on works of mercy.
Leading with Beauty
June 3rd, 2020 | 32 mins 21 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, beauty, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic parish, dave vanvickle, evangelization, evangelize, faith, lead with beauty, lord of the rings, marriage prep, mike gomer gormley, ministry, mission
Today, Dave “It’s-not-delivery-it’s-Dave'' VanVickle and I talk about how we can bring people to the faith with beauty, from classic Christian films, to Lord of the Rings, to marriage prep.