Every Knee Shall Bow (Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast)

Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast

About the show

Lay Catholic evangelists Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickle bring you a podcast series that teaches you how to confidently share your Catholic faith with your family members, friends, co-workers, and the strangers you meet on airplanes. Every episode, Mike and Dave give you five steps you can take each week to become an instrument God uses to spread the Gospel, heal hearts, and renew his Church. Be inspired by stories of miraculous conversions and be reminded that God still powerfully intervenes to transform people's lives.

Every Knee Shall Bow (Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast) on social media


  • Inspiring Teens and Training Catholic Lectors: Two Practical Applications

    October 16th, 2019  |  42 mins 53 secs

    Have you ever wondered how to go about training Catholic lectors or how to inspire teens as they begin preparing for confirmation?

    In this special episode of Every Knee Shall Bow, hear two practical applications where Michael Gormley preaches first to Confirmation teens and then to lectors at his parish.

  • 10 Principles of Evangelization

    October 9th, 2019  |  34 mins 8 secs
    catholic, catholic church, catholicism, dave, dave vanvickle, evangelization, evangelize, gomer, gospel, holy spirit, jesus, mike gormley, ministry

    Dave “The Angelic Doctor” VanVickle (he’s really uncomfortable with that one) and I break down ten things you need to know to go out into the world right now and start evangelizing your family, friends, coworkers, and the random people you meet on the street. We’ve made all the evangelization mistakes through our years of talking to people about Jesus and the Church so that you don’t have to.

  • In Defense of a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ

    October 2nd, 2019  |  38 mins 56 secs
    catholic, catholic prayer, catholic spirituality, evangelize, jesus, jesus christ, ministry, personal relationship with jesus, personal relationship with jesus christ, prayer, prayer life

    The phrase “personal relationship with Jesus Christ” has become so synonymous with Protestant spirituality that many Catholics seem to think it’s not that important. This is a huge problem. Dave “The Cheddar” VanVickle and I talk about why having a personal relationship with Jesus is absolutely vital for Catholics. It’s not about just having an emotional reaction, it’s about knowing the God we claim to love and allowing that intimacy to draw us ever deeper into the sacraments and mysteries of the Catholic Faith.

  • Preaching the Gospel of Salvation: A Practical Application

    September 25th, 2019  |  32 mins 44 secs
    adam and eve, catholic, catholic talk, christian groups, evangelize, genesis, gomer, good news, gospel, gospel of salvation, mens group, michael gormley, mike gormley, ministry, salvation

    This talk was given to the men's group at my parish (even though some people don’t like those cough Dave cough) and focuses on the message of salvation through Genesis up to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and points to the responsibility this puts on Christians to spread the good news.

  • The Life of a Traveling Evangelist

    September 18th, 2019  |  43 mins 43 secs
    catholic, catholic community, catholic speaker, dave vanvickle, evangelist, evangelization, gomer, mike gormley, ministry

    There’s a lot more to being a Catholic speaker than what you see. Dave “Extreme Narcissist” VanVickle and I discuss the little-known problems and behind-the-scenes difficulties of people who talk about the Faith for a living. From bringing kids to RCIA to feeling guilty about a paycheck, we talk about balancing family life, parish life, full-time jobs, and time on the road.

  • Men’s Groups, Shoestring Budgets, and Adoration

    September 11th, 2019  |  44 mins 39 secs
    adoration, catholic, catholic church, catholic kids, dave vanvickle, eucharist, evangelization, gomer, men's group, mike gormley, ministry, parish, true presence

    Today we’re answering questions and handing out sweet sweet nicknames. We talk about how to make men’s groups less painful, what to do if your parish has little to no money, our essential reading list for people who want to evangelize, resources for introducing kids to Adoration, and the Pew Research study on the True Presence in the Eucharist.

  • How to Talk to Catechists: A Practical Application

    September 4th, 2019  |  47 mins 1 sec
    catechists, catholic, catholic church, catholic school, christian, dave vanvickle, evangelization, evangelize, gomer, michael gormley, ministry, parish, religion teacher, teachers

    Dave “Wolfsbane” VanVickle is … not here today. It’s just me, Gomer, with a special episode where I recorded a talk I gave to my catechists about how to become excellent teachers of our Faith. This talk is the past two episodes of EKSB put into practice. If you are a catechist, thinking about becoming a catechist, or work with catechists in any way, this episode will be extremely helpful.

  • What Makes a Great Catechist (or a Terrible One)?

    August 28th, 2019  |  36 mins 58 secs
    catechism, catechists, catholic, catholic church, catholic parish, dave vanvickle, director of religious education, dre, evangelize, gomer, mike gormley, ministry, parish, religious education

    CALLING ALL DIRECTORS OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND CATECHISTS! This one’s for you. Dave “Cucumber Melon” VanVickle and I talk about the qualities that make for bad catechists vs. great catechists and how to find the right people for your program. This is a huge issue for religious education that is so important because the immortal souls of kids depends on it. We also have storytime with Dave on why Kenny Baldwin is A MONSTER (just kidding) and extend an extra-special welcome to long-time listener Ralph “The Party” VanVickle!

  • Equipping Teachers to Evangelize

    August 21st, 2019  |  34 mins 42 secs
    catholic, catholic schools, dave vanvickle, evangelization, evangelize, evangelizing, gomer, mike gormley, ministry, teachers

    Dave “Biker for Christ” VanVickle and I are talking about Catholic schools ... again. We received a lot of feedback from our episode on making Catholic schools evangelizing powerhouses, so we wanted to talk more about what teachers can actually do to be powerful witnesses for Christ.

  • Culture Minus Religion Equals Politics

    August 14th, 2019  |  33 mins 59 secs
    catholic, catholic church, catholic culture, conservative, culture, dave vanvickle, evangelize, left, liberal, mike gormley, ministry, politics, right

    Dave “Velvet Fog” Van Vickle and I dive into history, culture, and politics (oh my!). We talk about three types of culture—pre-Christian, Christian, and post-Christian—and what Catholics can do to navigate the current political climate and evangelize in the culture without getting swept up in it.

  • Making Catholic Schools an Evangelizing Powerhouse

    August 7th, 2019  |  42 mins 14 secs
    adoration, catholic, catholic church, catholic prayers, catholic schools, dave vanvickle, evangelize, evangelizing, gomer, jesuit, mike gormley, ministry, religious schools, retreat, silence

    Dave “Milk and Honey” VanVickle and I are talking about Catholic education, and the opportunities we have to evangelize in and out of the classroom. We love Catholic schools, but so many students who attend leave without any inclination to practice the Faith. Dave and I attempt to identify the root of this problem and talk about what leaders, teachers, and parents can do to evangelize their students and create lifelong disciples.

  • Maturing in Your Faith

    July 31st, 2019  |  39 mins 35 secs
    apologetics, catechism, catechism of the catholic church, catholic, catholic church, catholic teachers, dave vanvickle, dogma, evangelize, faith, gomer, kerygma, mike gormley, ministry, saints, teaching the faith, usccb

    So you’ve got the kerygma down … now what? Dave “I’m Kind of a Big Deal” VanVickle and I talk about how to mature in your faith after an initial proclamation of the gospel. The kerygma is not the end of evangelization, it’s just the beginning. It’s how someone takes the first step to becoming a disciple of Jesus, but we can’t stop there, we have to make sure that we’re preaching, but also teaching.

  • Why the Church Isn’t Typically Good at Evangelization and One Way to Stop That Problem

    July 24th, 2019  |  47 mins 18 secs
    catholic, catholic church, catholics, christian, christianity, church, community, evangelization, evangelize, good news, gospel, hospitality, mark hart, ministry, parish, religion, testimony, witness

    Dave “Thunderclap” VanVickle and I are talking to the one and only Mark Hart—author, speaker, and Executive Vice President of Life Teen. We talk about the struggles parishes have to organize a movement of evangelization and the difficulty of training and empowering individuals to spread the gospel. Instead of just telling people to evangelize, Mark is on a mission to teach people to evangelize with a new program—The 99. Featuring Fr. Mike Schmitz, Fr. Josh Johnson, Leah Darrow, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, and more, the program will help parishes start a movement of evangelization in their communities. See more at evangelization.com.

  • The Role of Laity in Evangelization

    July 17th, 2019  |  42 mins 3 secs
    catholic, catholic church, church, dave vanvickle, evangelize, gomer, gospel, gospel message, jesus, kerygma, laity, michael gormley, ministry, nuns, priests, role of the laity

    Dave “Too Hot to Handle, Too Cold to Hold” VanVickle and I are focusing on the role of the laity in the Church when it comes to explicit word and deed evangelization. The Church needs the voice of the laity to speak up! Priests can’t go into your office and nuns can’t go into your friend’s house (probably). We are the ones that must carry the Gospel into our homes, schools, jobs, and public places.

  • Is Jesus the Defining Characteristic of Your Life?

    July 10th, 2019  |  36 mins 27 secs
    branches, catholic, catholic community, community, dave vanvickle, evangelization, evangelize, gomer, hospitality, jesus, john 15, michael gormley, ministry, parish, parish ministry, vine

    Dave “Don’t Fear the Reaper” Van Vickle and I are talking about how to keep Jesus at the heart of your ministry and your life. Today’s totally made up middle name for Dave is brought to you by listener Lina., who also asks the questions that we are answering in this show - thank you Lina! We’re talking about the vine, the branches, and the backyard … (Dave bought a new house). We start with how to open your home to engage the culture and build community and then get to a question from Lina who asks, “What are the practical steps to stay grafted onto the vine when you’ve been sent to work out in the vineyard?” In other words, how do we keep Jesus as the defining characteristic of our life when we feel called to go off and do great things on our own or within our parish?

  • We Don’t Need Christianity to Be Popular, We Need to Make Disciples

    July 3rd, 2019  |  46 mins 15 secs
    catholic, catholic church, catholic parish, catholic prayer, conversion, dave vanvickle, disciples, evangelization, evangelize, gomer, gospel, gospel truth, michael gormley, ministry, parish, prayer groups, repentance, unashamed of the gospel, unfiltered christianity, watering down the gospel

    We want people to convert to the Catholic Church not because it’s a popular thing to do, but because they have a genuine experience of God’s love and truth through the Church. This means we can’t water down the gospel. Dave “Lay Assistant to Exorcists” VanVickle and I talk about this vital aspect of winning hearts for Christ, as well as the importance of repentance. On a more practical note, we also talk about how to start intercessory prayer groups.