Every Knee Shall Bow (Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast)

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

269 episodes of Every Knee Shall Bow (Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast) since the first episode, which aired on November 26th, 2018.

  • 4 Disciplines for Discipleship

    September 30th, 2020  |  Season 0  |  33 mins 41 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic parish, christianity, church teaching, confession, conversion, dave vanvickle, disciples, discipleship, disciplines for discipleship, dogmas, evangelization, evangelize, faith, gomer, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, living water, mental prayer, mike gomer gormley, mike gormley, ministry, mission, prayer, praying, sacraments, sacred scripture, sacred tradition, saints, sharing the gospel, sin, the bible, the gospel of jesus christ, the word of god

    Discipleship with Jesus truly flourishes when we are faithful to a few basic disciplines. Today, Dave VanVickle dives into four disciplines that are key in the life of a new disciple in order to live a fruitful Christian life.

  • Repentance Is for Sinners—Just Ask Zacchaeus

    December 11th, 2019  |  Season 0  |  31 mins 57 secs
    bible, bible study, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, dave vanvickle, gomer, jesus, jesus christ, penance, repentance, scripture, sinners, zacchaeus

    I, (Dave VanVickle), have no nickname today, because sadly Gomer isn’t here. (He’s OK, he’s just been sick.) So I’m continuing our conversation about repentance solo. I want to talk about what repentance looks like in Scripture, especially Zacchaeus’ repentance in Luke 19, and how we can incorporate continual repentance and conversion in our day-to-day lives.