Every Knee Shall Bow (Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast)
Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast
We found 1 episode of Every Knee Shall Bow (Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast) with the tag “how to suffer well”.
How to Suffer Well
February 26th, 2025 | Season 0 | 37 mins 37 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, catechism, catechist, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic life, catholic ministry, catholic parish, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, christians, dave vanvickle, difficulties, difficulty, eksb, evangelization, evangelize, every knee shall bow, faith, god, gomer, how to suffer well, jesus, jesus christ, mike gomer gormley, mike gormley, ministry, mission, pain, roman catholic, sharing the gospel, struggles, suffering, the cross
When you’re facing suffering, it’s very natural to ask why. However, if we suspend that question and instead ask ‘God, how can I love the most at this moment?’, you’ll get more answers than if you were to actually get the answer to your question. Today, Mike Gormley and Dave VanVickle give tips how on how to suffer well and weather the storms of difficulties.
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